Discover a collection of stories from our authorities on the Longevity Lifestyle, created by ROAR Forward, a collaborative of longevity thought leaders and content creators.
“In the first half of our lives, most of us are focused on what I call the ‘three Ps’— our profession, our partner and our parenting,” says ROAR Forward founder and bestselling author of ROAR into the Second Half of Life, Michael Clinton.“Even if we don’t partner up or have children, odds are we’ve defined ourselves by our work. One way or another, at some point, many of us will lose our professional positions or our work will shift in unexpected ways; maybe in ways we can’t necessarily control. So having other interests and engagements in life—layers of experience that we can control—can help us to be more resilient when change inevitably comes.”
Dr. Mark Lachs, Co-Director of the Center for Aging Research & Clinical Care at Weill Cornell Medicine (and member of the Estée Lauder Longevity Collective) points to a direct correlation between life layering and longevity that has everything to do with taking control of our lives. “Those of us who ‘layer’ are engaging in what psychologists call ‘locus of control’—the belief that we have internal control over our lives versus external factors controlling us,” he says. “And locus of control has been clearly associated with longevity.”

How To Begin Your Personal Life Layering Journey
Play the 5-word game. Write down 5 characteristics you feel describe you—e.g. adventurous, creative, compassionate, etc. Then ask 10 people who know you well to do the same. See what words come up most often. These are the superpowers that can fuel your journey.
Go back to your younger self. Revisit some dreams you may have left behind to pursue more practical things and consider what may actually be possible for you now.
Create a daily joy box. Whenever you experience a moment of joy, write it down. This may be several times a day, daily or weekly. At the end of a month, read through all of them to discover what themes can guide you towards your next life layer.
Unlock your movement mojo. Find the physical activities, sports, or games that get you moving most naturally and joyfully.
Find your people. Identify who in your life supports, nurtures, and inspires you and to whom you offer these same things. If your family, friends, and colleagues don’t help foster your growth, maybe finding a new, more supportive community where you can meaningfully contribute can be part of your next life layering adventure.
Explore more longevity lifestyle stories here.